"Managing innovations, standards and organizational capabilities," Leslie Martinich describes a capability framework for managing both innovations and mature technology.
"The Future of the Software Industry: Lessons from Hollywood," Leslie Martinich discusses the implications of moving from long development cycles to short development cycles and points to some learnings from another industry with similar cycles.
"Leadership: So Easy Even an Engineer Can Do It," Cath Polito and Leslie Martinich describe a program to improve leadership skills for engineers.
"Communicating the Vision in an Ambidextrous Organization: Connecting with Both Sides of Your Brain," Leslie Martinich explores the communication styles of leaders in successful ambidextrous organizations who balance the needs of the present with the needs of the future and who tolerate the ambiguity and inconsistency created by conflicting needs.
"Commercializing and Managing Innovations," Leslie Martinich, white paper 2004.
New Program! Communication Strategies for Scientists and Engineers. This course empowers participants to understand not only their own communication style, but also that of their colleagues and partners. This understanding enables participants to excel at reaching their target audience, and ultimately leads to dramatic improvements in their own effectiveness, as well as that of their organization. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00am - 11:30am Central Standard Time, online. For class details click HERE.
Leadership-Improv. Toastmasters' groups help you to improve your speaking skills. In much the same way, Leadership-Improv helps you build your leadership skills.
Make the World a Better Place. We engage high school students through hands-on maker spaces and mentoring to generate enthusiasm for a future career in engineering.
"A Diverse Team = A More Productive Team." Our experts guide your team through a day-long experience that leads them to see for themselves that a diverse team can solve problems more effectively and efficiently than one lacking a variety of skills and perspectives.
"Leading Innovation," Our experts provide you with the tools and strategy to build your organization’s innovation capability and improve its ability to adapt to changing technologies and markets.
"Maximizing Team Effectiveness," We work with your executive team to improve productivity and decision making.
"Leading Multi-Generational Teams," We work with your teams to understand how to better capitalize on the strengths and values of each generation in the workforce.
Now Hear This! How to Be Heard
"Leading and Managing Difficult Star Performers" When team members feel heard and respected, they become more productive and more committed to the team goals. Leaders can learn the skills to be successful.
" Improving Problem Solving," 300 employees were able to generate more than $600,000 in new revenues and about $3.5 million in innovative expenditure reductions over an 8-month period. They did this through training in four relatively simple practices. Leslie Martinich discusses the practices and how you can help your team improve its creativity and problem solving skills.
"Excellent Execution: Top Ten Lessons for Managers," IEEE Engineering Management Review, February, 2016.
"Excellent Execution: A Hidden Competitive Advantage" IEEE Engineering Management Review, November 2014.
"Make the World A Better Place: An Association-Industry-Academia Partnership," IEEE Stem Education Conference 2014.
"2012 Congressional Fellow Leslie Martinich: Catching the Wave" IEEE-USA Today's Engineer, October 2013.
"Your Engineering Career: Keep on Pushing," IEEE-USA Today's Engineer. March 2012.